Brain on Fireの予告篇2017/02/06 23:30

リチャード・アーミティッジが父親役を演じる、"Brain on Fire"の予告篇です。


この写真、悩めるMr Thorntonを思い出させていいですね〜。
Brain on Fire1

リチャード・アーミティッジの新作映画"Brain on Fire'2015/07/17 09:45

"Brain on Fire"という作品だそうです。

Empire Online:

この"Brain on Fire"という映画は、Susannah Cahalanの回想記 (副題My Month of Madness)を翻案したものだそうです。


Vancity bussの記事:

New York Postの新進の記者だったスザンナが突然謎の病を発症し、一生精神病棟暮らしかと思われた矢先、Souhel Najjarという医師により、彼女の病は新たに解明された、脳が侵される自己免疫疾患であると診断され、それによって回復への糸口が生まれたという、劇的な実話に基づいているようです。


One day, I woke up in a strange hospital room, strapped to my bed, under guard, and unable to move or speak. My medical records —from a month-long hospital stay of which I have no memory —showed psychosis, violence, and dangerous instability. Yet, only weeks earlier I had been a healthy 24-year-old, six months into my first serious relationship and beginning a career as a cub reporter at the New York Post.

My memoir Brain on Fire chronicles the swift path of my illness and the lucky, last-minute intervention led by one of the few doctors capable of saving my life. As weeks ticked by and I moved inexplicably from violence to catatonia, $1 million worth of blood tests and brain scans revealed nothing. The exhausted doctors were ready to commit me to the psychiatric ward, in effect condemning me to a lifetime of institutions, or death, until Dr. Souhel Najjar, —nicknamed Dr. House, —joined my team. He asked me to draw one simple sketch, which became key to diagnosing me with a newly discovered autoimmune disease in which my body was attacking my brain, an illness now thought to be the cause of “demonic possessions” throughout history.

ヒロインは、Chloë Grace Moretzが演じ、リチャードの奥さん役はCarrie-Anne Mossだそうです。