『キャプテン・アメリカ』子役の父親のインタビュー2012/03/12 10:22



リチャード・アーミティッジ演じるナチスの悪役ハインツ・クルーガーが港に追い詰められて、近くにいた少年を引っ掴み、海に投げ入れるシーンがあるのですが、その少年(マックス・ニューマン )のお父さん(エイドリアン)とのemailでのインタビューです。


撮影にロンドンからRAと一緒に車で向かったとか(言うまでもなく、RAのこと"Very nice guy, very professional"って褒めています)、少年を引っ掴むシーンで、リチャード/クルーガーが持っていた銃 がぶつかって歯が欠けてしまったというアクシデントもあったそうです。(@_@;)


bccmee: How did your son get cast in Captain America?

Adrian: He is on with an agent who specialises in Child castings.

bccmee: Is he a trained actor?

Adrian: No, he likes it, but doesn’t even do weekend classes or groups !

bccmee: Has your son acted before or since Captain America?  If so, what movies or TV shows can we see him in?

Adrian: Max hadn’t acted before (only school plays). He has auditioned for a few things since (the Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp- production was put on hold due to budget constraints), but nothing has come to fruition. He’s going to be playing “Toad” in a local stage production of Wind in Willows!

bccmee: How did you, your son, and family like the movie?

Adrian: We loved the film.

bccmee: How did he acquire such a perfect American accent?

Adrian: His Mum (my wife) is American.

bccmee: Where was that scene filmed?

Adrian: Liverpool, by the old docks.

bccmee: Your son looks so cute in the photo with his tea. Was it a cold day on the set?

Adrian: Yes, fairly cold.

bccmee: Does he really know how to swim?

Adrian: Yes he swims well, and that was the major part of the audition (in the tank at Pinewood Studios – where a lot of underwater scenes are shot for movies) When he actually did the scene and got thrown in, it was quite a big drop, but Max did the stunt – there were two scuba divers waiting under the water just in case !!

bccmee: What is happening in the stunt photo?  Did your son jump onto the pads and then later the shot of him jumping into the water was filmed?

Adrian: He had a stunt double (a dwarf with a red haired wig !!) but he was only used, as it turned out, to line-up the shots/cameras; they threw the short guy in about 15 times – it was like something out of Jackass !! It was about a 15 foot drop into the water (the Mersey in Liverpool) which was cold as it was filmed in October. The water looked quite dirty with debris on the first day so I asked if they could clean it up a bit for the next day when they were shooting that scene.

bccmee:  He was thrown into the river and not a pool?

Adrian: He was actually thrown by Richard into the river (his audition was at Pinewood Studios in the “big tank” that they use for a lot of movies, Harry Potter, James Bond etc.) They rehearsed by throwing Max onto the pads, but threw him in for real to get the best effect. There were scuba divers waiting under the water in case there was a problem. They made Max a special skin coloured wet suit to go under his clothing, but it didn’t really work properly, so he still got wet and cold !

bccmee: How many days did it take to shoot your son’s scenes?

Adrian: It was scheduled for 5 days but took only 2, so the director was happy. When Kruger (Richard) grabs Max after shooting at Cptn America, he chipped Max’s tooth by accident – the gun is a close replica of the real thing, so is quite heavy.  He was very apologetic but no harm was done.

bccmee: I want to also post Max’s IMDB page:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3365233/

Adrian: His agent in the UK is Doreen English, who finds most of the kids for any Hollywood movies being shot in the UK/Europe.

bccmee: Did you meet Richard Armitage on the set?

Adrian: Yes we drove up with Richard from London together. Very nice guy, very professional. We stayed in the same hotel as him. Max has a picture with him at dinner.

ジョン・マリガン:何か隠してる?2012/03/13 20:36


今日bccmeeさんが選んだのはDrowning Not Wavingのジョン・マリガン:恋人にとんでもない隠し事をしている悪い奴ですが、彼に引っかかってしまうヒロインの心境にもうなずけてしまう・・・

『コスモポリタン』のような女性誌で一般化したパーソナリティ・クイズをCosmo quizというそうなのですが、今日のゲームは、ジョン・マリガンとデートしていたとしたら、という設定でのCosmo quiz "is your man hiding something?"です。


North & Southファン必読!2012/03/13 21:13



『トーリンの花嫁』2012/03/15 21:12


SEXY THORIN というテーマで・・・なんとトーリンを主人公にしたロマンス本!題して
"A Bride for Thorin ...more fierce than fire"ですって!(*^_^*)




それに著者の名前にも注目:Windy MountainsongでBeardy Loveの著者とあります!あはは、もう最高ですね、これ!


やっと見ました!『ホビット』の予告編!2012/03/30 19:52




あのホビット庄のテーマが流れ、イアン・ホルムの"My dear Frodo"という声が聞こえた瞬間、思わず息をのんで、あわてて両手で口をおさえました。

そして〜〜、ガンダルフが"And the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield"って言った時には、もう胸がドキドキして〜〜〜!


そして、劇場一杯に、リチャード・アーミティッジのあの深〜い歌声、"Far over, the Misty Mountains cold..."が響き渡った時の感動、ああ、予想を超えていました。もう口を押さえていたけど、ぜいぜい。





