リチャード・アーミティッジ+『ホビット』に投票を!2015/02/26 13:20

エンパイア誌による、The Jameson Empire Awards 2015の投票が開始しています。


リチャード・アーミティッジを Jameson Best Actorに、
『ホビット 決戦のゆくえ』を Best FilmおよびBest Sci-Fi/Fantasyに、
ピーター・ジャクソンを Best Directorに


"Misty Mountain"をレッドカーペットで歌うリチャード・アーミティッジ@北京2015/01/26 09:48

リチャード・アーミティッジが北京のレッドカーペットで、"Misty Mountains"を歌うなんていう大サービスしていたんですね!


リチャード・アーミティッジのインタビュー@北京2015/01/26 09:36


『ハンニバル』やThe Crucibleへの言及もあり。


リチャード・アーミティッジが北京プレミアに!2015/01/19 14:19

なんとなんと、リチャードが北京の『ホビット 決戦のゆくえ』のプレミアに来ていたんですね!!!











『ホビット 決戦のゆくえ』のエルフ語解説2015/01/17 11:49

Elendilionhttp://www.elendilion.pl/2015/01/13/g-i-p-report-elvish-dialogs-from-the-hobbit-battle-of-the-five-armies/で『ホビット 決戦のゆくえ』で一杯!出てきたエルフ語のセリフの解説をしてくれています!\(^O^)/ 

Galadriel and Gandalf

Dear members of the Gwaith community. See attached the analysis of the Sindarin dialogues from The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies movie prepared for us by the Hungarian linguist Gábor Lőrinczi. As his previous analyses on the topic, this one is also based partly on an incomplete script fragment he has got and partly by listening to the dialogues, so it is far from fully complete, it contains many speculations, and it may not be exempt from errors and omissions. We hope the community of the Tolkienian linguists, friends of the Gwaith-i-Phethain will help us to answer many questions connected with these dialogs. As every year after the new movie we are opening the free discussion in the comments. The results of the discussion will be added to the analysis as the updates.

Galadriel’s distant voices to the imprisoned Gandalf:

G: “…i le eliathon, im tulithon.” (Not included in the script fragment.) [This is clearly a part of the same sentence that is said by Galadriel in the first movie: "Ae boe i le eliathon, im tulithon." (Subtitle: "If you should ever need my help, I will come." Lit.: "If it is necessary that I will help you, I will come.").]

No subtitle given.

Lit.: “…that I will help you, I will come.”

*ae: if (cf. Q ai)
boe: it is necessary
i: that
le: you (acc.)
eliathon: 1st p. sg. fut. form of elia- (“help”)
im: I, myself
tulithon: 1st p. sg. fut. form of tol- (“come”) [This should be rather telithon I think.]

Tauriel and Legolas at the lakeshore:

T: “Hîr nín, Legolas.
L: “Maewado i Naug! Boe i nadh egeno.

Subtitle: “My Lord Legolas.” “Take your leave of the Dwarf. You are needed elsewhere.”

Lit.: “My lord, Legolas.” “Bid farewell(?) (to) the Dwarf. It is necessary that you are elsewhere.”

hîr: lord
nín: my
*maewado: imp. form of *maewad(a)- (“bid farewell(?)”) < mae- (“well”) + ?*gwad(a)- (?; but cf. Goldogrin gwada- “travel”)
i: the
Naug: Dwarf
boe: it is necessary
i: that
nadh: 2nd p. sg. pr. t. form of na- (“be”)
*egeno: elsewhere < *ege- (“other”, cf. Q eces) + *-no (“where” < ?; but cf. *úno “nowhere” in the extended version of the second movie ["Mennar úno." (Subtitle: "That has yet to be decided." Lit.: "They go nowhere."])

Elf messenger to Legolas in the refugee camp:

E: “Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin ’winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na le.
L: “Tolo, Tauriel!
E: “Hîr nín. Edlennen Tauriel.
L: “Edlennen?

Subtitle: “My Lord Legolas… I bring word from your Father. You are to return to him immediately.” “Come, Tauriel.” “My Lord… …Tauriel is banished.” “Banished?”

Lit.: “My lord, Legolas. I bear news from your father. (He) orders that you return to you(?) now.” “Come, Tauriel.” “My lord. Tauriel (is) exiled.” “Exiled?”

hîr: lord
nín: my
celin: 1st p. sg. pr.t. form of *col- (“bear”)
*‘winiath: len. form of *gwiniath (“news”) < gwain pl. gwîn (“new”) + -iath
o: from
adar: father
lín: your
*cân: 3rd p. sg. pr.t. form of *can- (“command, order”, cf. Q can-) [I miss the pronoun e from here, i.e., "Cân e i…".]
i: that
hi: now
*danwenidh: 2st p. sg. pr.t. form of *danwen- (“return”) [In PE/17:166 we have the attested dadwen- and damen- for "return". What is wrong with them?]
na: to
le: you(?) [A mistake? Shouldn’t it be a 3rd p. sg. pronoun referring to Thranduil?]
tolo: imp. form of tol- (“come”)
edlennen: pp. form of edledh- (“go into exile”) [In PE/17:51 we have edlenn for "exiled".]

Legolas to Tauriel (same scene):

L: “Naw aran nín, mal ú-gân innas nín.” [Actually there is "ú-gart nínas" in the script fragment, but it seems an erratum to me. I have listened to this dialogue again and again, and I am pretty sure that Legolas/Orlando Bloom does not say that.]

Subtitle: “Yes, he is my King… …but he does not command my heart.”

Lit.: “(He) is my king, but (he) does not command my will.”

naw: 3rd p. sg. pr.t. form of na- (“be”) [I miss the pronoun e from here, i.e., "Naw e aran nín…"]
aran: king
nín: my
*mal: but (cf. Q mal)
ú-: not
*gân: len. 3rd p. sg. pr.t. form of *can- (“command, order”, cf. Q can-)
innas: will < ind (“mind, heart”)

Elrond to Galadriel in Dol Guldur:

E: “Dandollen hon.” (Not included in the script fragment.)

Subtitle: “We were deceived.”

Lit.: “He (is) returned.”

dandollen: pp. form of dandol- (“return”)
hon: he [In TDoS and LotR, hon was used for "him".]

Tauriel to Legolas in Gundabad:

T: “Ú-‘ohenathon ??? .” (Not included in the script fragment.) [I am pretty sure that she says "ú-‘ohenathon", though this sentence does not seem to make much sense in this scene. The second part sounds something like "ú-thogathar", which I cannot interpret, but it is also clearly different from what is written in the subtitle.]

Subtitle: “If we are going in – we should move now.”

Lit.: “I will not forgive ??? .”

ú- not
ohenathon: len. 1st p. sg. fut. form of gohena- (“forgive”)

Tauriel to Legolas when they saw the swarm of bats:

T: “Dúilith secherig.

Subtitle: “They are swarming.”

Lit.: “???”

*dúilith: night air(?) <? dû (“night”) + gwilith (“air”)
*secherig: ???

Tauriel to Legolas when the Orc army leaves Gundabad:

T: “Din methithar i phain.
L: “Penim lû. Tolo!

Subtitle: “We must warn the others.” “We may be too late – hurry!”

Lit.: “??? the all (others).” “We have no time. Come!”

*din: ???
*methithar: 3rd p. pl. fut. form of ?*meth- (?) i: the (pl.) <? MET (“end”)
phain: nasal mut. form of pain sg. pân (“all”)
penim: 1st p. pl. pr.t. form of *pen- (“have not”)
: time
tolo: imp. form of tol- (“come”)

Thranduil to the Elf army:

T: “Ribo i thangail!” (Not included in the script fragment.)

No subtitle given.

Lit.: “Rush the shield-fence!”

ribo: imp. form of rib- (“rush”)
i: the
thangail: shield-fence

Thranduil to the Elf army:

T: “Berio i ??? !” (Not included in the script fragment.) [The second part of the sentence sounds to me like "mand athra" or something like that.]

No subtitle given.

Lit.: “Protect the ??? !”

berio: imp. form of beria- (“protect”)
i: the

Tauriel to Thranduil in Dale:

T: “???” [According to the script fragment, Tauriel/Evangeline Lilly says "Ú-vennathog athar!", however she clearly says something completely different. It sounds to me like "echvio-a-úchaela", which I cannot interpret at all. The first few words may be "Echuio a ú… !" as "Wake up and not… !", but this is only a slight guess.]

Subtitle: “You will go no further!”

Lit.: “???”

ú- not
*vennathog: len. 2rd p. sg. fut. form of *menna- (“go”, cf. Q menta- “send, cause to go”)
athar beyond

Legolas to Thranduil (same scene):

L: “Cí hen naethathog, oru degithon.” [The second part actually sounds rather like "ulu genithon" in the movie, but this version makes no sense to me either.]

Subtitle: “If you harm her, you will have to kill me.”

Lit.: “If you will hurt her, ??? .”

*: if (cf. Q cé)
hen: her
*naethathog: 2st p. sg. fut. form of *naetha- (“hurt”, cf. Q nahta-)
*oru: ???
degithon: 1st p. sg. fut. form of *dag- (“slay”)
